Kaban Makina, whose most important capital is human resources and has adopted the principle of " human first", aims to be an organization that its employees are proud and happy to be a part of. Kaban Makina attaches importance to each employee as an individual and approaches them equally. It considers differences such as language, religion, nationality, etc. as richness in human resources and continues on its way with the diversity it has. RECRUITMENT AND EVALUATION
At Kaban Makina, recruitment is carried out using modern measurement and evaluation methods in line with the company's vision, mission, goals and corporate culture after the need for a position arises. Aware that sustainable growth is not possible without the contribution of its employees, Kaban Makina aims to grow with colleagues who are open to development, have a high level of education, are dynamic, have the potential to improve themselves and their work, and can adapt to the "Kaban tradition". At Kaban Makina, which acts with the principle of the right person for the right job, the recruitment process is carried out by taking into account the technical and behavioral competencies determined for each position. All applications are evaluated in accordance with the principle of confidentiality. You can also make your applications at ik@kaban.com.tr
The Performance Management System is an effective management tool that integrates company goals with individual goals and ensures that the value created by employees is directed in line with common goals and objectives. The performance of employees is monitored throughout the year by their immediate supervisor. The performance of the employee and the realization rates of their personal goals in relation to the company goals are determined through mutual interviews and multidimensional evaluations made in certain periods. Depending on the Performance Evaluations, training and development plans are made for employees in line with their needs.
As Kaban Makina, we adopt a culture that encourages learning and development in order to train qualified and professional employees. With our Training and Development programs, we support our employees to be the best at what they do, to realize their potential in the best way, to prepare Kaban Makina and themselves for the future. In this direction, Human Resources identifies the areas of knowledge, skills and competence that our employees need to develop and ensures that they receive training within the company or from outside. With the awareness that internships are of great importance in the preparation of young people for professional life, Kaban Makina provides internship opportunities to high school and university students who are obliged to do internships. Young people who have the chance to get to know our company and its culture also have the opportunity to develop the qualifications they will need to be permanent in the Kaban family.